Friday, April 27, 2012


The day of my sister's engagement.

My family.. =)

Monday, April 23, 2012


The biggest news of the year from me I guess.

My sisters engaged!

Though I haven't really registered the fact yet.

Neither has my sister actually.

But we're getting there I think.

We were talking about making a trip somewhere, just the two of us before she gets hitched.

Should start planning something soon, my semester breaks not very far away.

I'm really happy for her. =D

But I'm dreading August though.. *sighhhhhhh*

What will life be like without my sister at home??

Ohh, and it was Amma's birthday yesterday.


I think she was more excited when her son-in-law-to-be wished her than she was when we, her daughters, wished her. Haha..

My mom and dad are more excited than my sister.

But I guess it's understandable, their first daughter getting married, first son-in-law and all.

I'm praying they don't make such a big fuss when my time comes, whenever that may be.

Anyways, just keeping to my one blog post a month resolution.

I guess I should post pictures, but who knows where the cameras and all are.

When I get to see them myself, I shall post some here, if I remember. =P