So exams are almost over..mid terms.. Assunta will always be the school that has midterms the earliest..every year.. I mean here we are, almost done with exams(3 papers to go), and the rest of the schools are just starting. I guess its a good thing we get to finish earlier, but we didn't have enough time for revision..
Anyway, i have pj, sivik and accounts to go..actually its only supposed to be pj, and sivik, but since me, being me, am taking accounts as an extra, i have to sit for that as well..
today we had physics and bio paper 1..honestly, it wasnt soo bad..but i always say that, and then my results come out shitty anyway.
papers finished before recess, after recess I had the new south wales science paper..even that, wasnt all that bad..i mean, if you really read the information given, than the answers are already there..but the thing is there are 45 questions, and each is like half a page..soo, i took a long time to read and answer one question, at the end, pn tan was like, 'You have 10 more minutes girls', and i'm at question 35 or and jas look at each other with wide eyes and go oh shit.. so jas, goes to end of the paper, and she does the last few while i do from 35, at the end, whichever we didnt do, we copied each other..haha..its not like i cheated for an exam or anything..this was just like an extra quiz that i payed for and opted to take, so i didnt feel bad about copying..
Copying during exams bring me to, there were girls in my class who were copying..but as usual, no one made a big deal out of it, and told the teachers or stuff like that..i mean, we're in 5 science 2..we don't copy(supposedly).
test finished 10 minutes before final bell..oh wait the bell wasnt working, so denise, jas and i chowed 5 minutes before..but even then we were beat like the half the school, who cabuted earlier.. walked to the usual corner where i wait..saw jess and grace waiting there too..started talking to them..jessica was walking up and down looking for her moms car..then finally when she saw it, she was like, 'oh my godma's there too, ohmygod, she's wearing her glasses, how embarassing.' Me and grace started laughing..her godma looked fine..then me and grace started our usual bantering, me going on about how i'm screwed for the accounts exam and she saying she hates doing debit kredit entry as well..and then the usual football talk..tevez leaving man u, drogba leaving chelsea..(he's not, apparently his contracts been extended, heard the news)and yes, grace admits the referee wasnt being fair during the chelsea barcelona game..haha..
well, yea came back..slept, after a long time in the afternoon..woke up, started running around the house getting ready for tuition..went to tuition, came back..ate dinner, and blogged, also after quite long..unless you count my blues blog that day..Chelsea won against arsenal..4-1..whoohoo.
anyway, time to go study accounts..sisters teaching me..happy doing whatever you guys were doing..