anyway, despite kom backing out last minute and all that, i ended up going for the hillsong united show earlier and surprisingly i had fun.though there were several times i looked so lost and felt so lost(kom, i repeat you are so dead)..
was standing with feli and her friend, edmund(i think-am i rite feli?), coz grace wanted to stand right in front and i didnt wanna look lost right in front of the band. but i could've sworn there was one part the lead singer guy(joel??) looked at me and i looked so out of place coz i didnt exactly know the lyrics..he probably thought, whats wrong with that girl??haha..
i only got one picture, towards the end..its a very blur picture..
after it ended..was walking out and suddenly sonia was behind me..and kathleen..they were sitting up at the balcony(is that what you call it?) area..she said that they had a good view from there as heart is still beating from all the drum beats just now..went out to the front with sonia and kath, wanted to buy the cd, but had nothing but 10bucks on me, soo byebye hillsong cd..grace, i know you know where to for me can??
they played what the world will never take!!and break two fav songs..but they didnt play to know your name i was walking out, looking for my mom, all the ppl around me were also going, 'i wish they played all their older songs as well' and so on..
traffic was massive, so my dad stopped the car and was walking towards the church to look for me, and i was walking towards the car coz my ma called me and asked to come towards the beginning of the road coz traffics bad, so met appa halfway and we walked to the car and now i'm home..not one bit sleepy, so thought i'd come and blog.
but yea, good show..funny part was..when the concert started i was kinda directly behind grace, right side of the stage..but after awhile, you know jumping and all..i was suddenly standing in front of centre stage much further back..but wth still had a good view..they talked alot bout stuff i didnt understand..i just looked down at all those parts..and when this guy threw their cd to the crowd, it went inches above my head and some guy behind me caught it..damn talk about a close miss..the tshirts were thrown far from where i was standing, so no hope there..
well..gonna go find something stupid to do for now..
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