Monday, December 29, 2008


So turns out we were going to go away for a holiday this year after all. It was only to port dickson, the place almost all malaysians think is very boring and dirty and all that. But, confession time, it was my first time there and i didnt find half bad.

We stayed at this place called Glory Beach Resort, and there was a beach behind the resort, but that was kinda dirty. The guy at the front desk suggested the beach at Teluk Kemang, said they were clean. But since we got there at about 5ish, we decided to stay in that area for the night and go to Teluk Kemang the next day.

Our room at the resort.appa and muru anna.
still in the room.

got pretty wet that night, though we didnt really go in considering the dirty beach and all.took pictures and that was about it. Aunt, uncle and my grandpa came later, then we went for dinner. And after dinner we went back to our room and sat up playing taboo for about 2 hours. I know its only a stupid word game, call me geek, call me nerd, but it was fun.

Glory Beach.
at the beach.
we got wet.
pretty sunset at the back.
sumthin my sis and her friends love to do.take pictures of feet and hands and stuff like that.
we were all for taking pictures.
shot of the day.X)

next day, me and amma were up and about at 7 in our room(girls and guys, seperate rooms), and while amma showered i sat and read eclipse(yes i brought that fat book all the way there).
once everyone was ready, we all went for breakfast and then drove to teluk kemang.

ofcourse we concoured the beach, as my uncle put it. truth is though, it was pretty crowded, but we had our fun. Got hit by humungous waves time and time again. I've got bruises all over. me and suba even hit our heads once when the wave came.i could've possibly drowned if i hadnt been gripping on to all their hands so tightly. Sorry if i hurt anyone. Then my uncle got us a float, so then i hung on that with all my life. Still we were pushed back by the bigger waves. But it was fun. i know i was mean, but there was this once i just couldnt stop laughing when these two boys who were trying to get on to their blow up boat, kept falling over when big waves kept hitting us one after another. we were quite far in i have to say, but when the waves came we were at the edge again. and the edge the water was cloudy with the sand and all, so we tried to go back in coz the water there was nicer, but we never got our chance.

after we felt we had enough, we all walked back to where amma, my aunt and grandpa were sitting, and started making a sand castle. it was pretty small, coz we didnt have much time.

amma, aiya and aunt lounging on the beach.
break time.
i guess i was to tired to even look at the camera.
our rented float.
sandcastle time.
still working on it.
like i said, small.

then it was bye bye beach. went back to the resort, packed our things and went out for lunch. Had chinese plus steamboat. Then we had our go at flying a kite, which my uncle bought. It was pretty windy so we were sucessful.

waiting for the food.
amma.appa.muru anna.
the stairs shot continues with aunt.
and then suba.
and finally me and abi.
flying the kite.
while me and my sister took pictures.i obviously ruined this shot.

After that, it was home sweet home. Like i said, short but fun.

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